Understanding the Concept of Teen Stress: What It Is and Why It Matters
Stress is a normal response to external challenges such as moving house, and deadlines. It is not always bad. Its first function is for our survival so that we can react promptly to life-threatening situations. Sometimes stress can also motivate you to work harder for your studies.
A stressor may be a one-time or short-term occurrence (acute); for example, your friend argues with you, or you must perform for your singing competition. Usually, when the event is over, you can return to your everyday life. Another type of stress is chronic stress, which can last for months or even years, e.g., the loss of a loved one or being bullied in school.
Different individuals would experience different symptoms and intensities of stress. However, when stress is not well-managed or does not go away after a period of time, a person may be at risk of conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, anxiety or depression, which would interfere with your daily life.

How do you know if you are experiencing too much stress?
When teenagers have too much stress, it could affect your body and mind. Some of the symptoms are:
trouble sleeping
loss of appetite
increased heartbeat
rapid breathing
sweaty palms
increased blood pressure
muscle tensed up, e.g., teeth-grinding, headaches
lethargic/ fatigue
feeling nervous
excessive worry
Common stressors in teenagers’ life:
Identifying your stressor is the first step in managing your stress so that you would know when to avoid or manage them. For example, if you are stressed by homework, you might deal with this by planning your work. Here are some common examples for teens:
being bullied
academic stress, being overwhelmed by homework, and pressure to perform well
family- financial difficulties, parental divorce, loss of a loved ones
poor relationship with peers, partners
moving house, moving to a new school
suffering from a medical condition