Zoala Empowering Hong Kong Today!

Pictured (L->R): Peter Pang (Consultant, HKANST), Jeff Lee (Founder & CEO, Zoala) & Tony Pow (Managing Director, HKANST) Exciting News: Zoala x HKANST Partnership! Zoala is excited to announce a new partnership with Hong Kong Asia Network Security Technology Co., Ltd (HKANST), a value-added distributor specialising in innovative ICT solutions, including cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and digital infrastructure. HKANST is […]

AI: A Modern Hotline — Replacing the Ring with a Chat

The user is having a mental health conversation with Zoala's AI chatbot.

AI: A Modern Hotline — Replacing the Ring with a Chat Remember the days of picking up a phone and dialling a local hotline number for help? While traditional voice calls via landlines and mobile phones still exist, today’s world has largely shifted to digital communication. AI chatbots are revolutionising the way we connect with […]

What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy?

What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy? Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a form of psychotherapy that enhances psychological flexibility, allowing people to respond more effectively to life’s challenges.  It encourages people to acknowledge and make room for their experiences without any judgement, clarify what is meaningful to them, and make the changes towards those […]